Sunday, October 26, 2008


Bad things definitely do happen to good people. India (boss) just called me to tell me that Linda's (coworker) husband died suddenly and Gary's (coworker) little girl is in critical condition because of a brain injury.

Linda has been through so much... just now recovering from lung cancer surgery (her first day back would have been tomorrow) and for this to happen to her... It wasn't even expected at all, nothing was wrong with him. They don't even know what happened yet. She's a strong lady though and she's been through so much. I pray she can get through this.

And for Gary... his little girl was playing with her brothers and hit her head... and she had to have brain surgery. India said she's in critical condition. I'm praying that she'll make it through this and be fine. That just breaks my heart too... I can't even imagine how Gary is feeling. He is such a sweet guy and a lot of fun to work with.

Neither of them deserve that. But God does have a plan I guess... and I'll be praying for them. If and when they ever come back to work I don't even know what I'd say to them. What do you say to someone in those situations? "Sorry" doesn't cut it. "I know how you feel" definitely doesn't cut it. I just don't know... I didn't ever know what to say to Linda she found out she had cancer... twice. I don't know if she thinks I just don't care or what but I just don't know what to say.

And to top it all off... I had to ask India for tomorrow afternoon off work when she called. Because that's the only time my group members can meet to practice our presentation.

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