Thursday, October 30, 2008


So only one more day to halloween! YAY!

Alex's alarm didn't go off this morning... so I couldn't make it to work. I missed work Tuesday too. Thank god my boss is understanding... and nobody else wants to my job... or I'd be fired by now.

So all I have to do is:

1. Upload paper to
2. Find somebody who will feel sorry for me and help me with derivatives
3. Bring Sarah accounting stuff (I JUST remembered this... thank god I made a list... now I just have to find that stuff...)
4. Meet with Mike and work on international mgt project instead of real estate
5. Type international mgt case
6. Clean apartment
7. Possibly cook halloween dessert to bring to work tomorrow

And I'll be DONE for the week. YAY!!!

Other good news... our glo-bus group is slowly but steadily improving. I'm not sure we'll ever catch up but at least we're not going backwards.

Aaand I have wal-mart chicken tenders, mac & cheese, and red bull for lunch! Today is going to be good, I know it :)

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