Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Well Mrs. Johnson is freaking out again because we officially set our wedding date to 10/17... and I guess making it official caused her to relapse into psycho-mode. I mean, seriously, she knew we were getting married in OCTOBER! I guess she was hoping we'd keep pushing it off and eventually break-up.

Not a chance, honey ;) Whine and moan and cry all you want, I'm still marrying Alex like it or not. And grow up while your at it and realize he'll be TWENTY-FOUR FREAKING YEARS OLD and that is NOT too young no matter how you look at it or try to convince yourself. That argument is getting old. And we WILL last, no matter how much you tell him we have a chance in hell. Wake up and realize that neither you or Mr. Johnson or whoever is going to keep me from marrying my Alex.

No, she doesn't read my blog, I just had to get that out. She's driving me CRAZY with her bipolar crap. I mean, for real, at Christmas she even bought be a "Bride" pin... and now this? COME ON.

Anyway - I'm thinking about changing my colors to sage green, brown, and light gold. Maybe. I don't know... I'm so indecisive.

Well I better get back to cooking supper. Sausage dogs with onion and pepper and homemade garlic-parmesan potato chips (Laila's recipe, the BEST FRY-CHIP THINGS EVER)!

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