Today is also our 2 year and 10 month anniversary :D So in honor of that... I'm going to write about how we met.
It was my first ever college class freshman year, English 101 with Mrs. Varnado. I sat in the front of the classroom and Alex sat in the back.
^ Same classroom, same seats. We were bored one Saturday, don't ask.
Anyway, Alex never talked to me but talked to all the other girls. So I assumed he didn't like me. I always had a crush on him though because he was very outgoing and talkative... and I loved that. Opposites attract, I suppose! Anyway, I found him on facebook one day and I added him. He commented "Nice pic" on my wall. We started talking a little after that, a few words here and there. Then one day he walked with me to my class in the MCOB... saying he was going to the engineering building. I knew he was going the wrong way so I knew he was doing it in purpose ;) I gave him my number and he called that Friday and we went to a movie. We went on several dates after that and on December 3, 2005... he drove to my house and told me he liked me. We've been together ever since! Turns out he was just intimidated by me and had a crush on me all along too! On May 29th, 2008 he proposed and on May 31st we moved in together. Everything is just how I dreamed it would be. Of course... I never dreamed I would move in with a guy before I got married... but circumstances come up. I'm much more happier living with him than with my parents.
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