Overall, I had a good Christmas this year :) Sure, I wish it wouldn't have been 75 degrees and humid... but I guess that's what I get for living on the Gulf Coast. And it sucks because I can't wear any of my cute winter clothes...
Anyway, my family decided to forgo going to my Aunts house for Christmas Eve and grandmas house for Christmas day live we usually do. Instead we just had it at my parents house. On Christmas Eve Alex and I went over there to open presents and have "appetizers" and spaghetti. Then on Christmas Day we went back over there for lunch and had turkey, dressing, and all that kind of stuff. Then Christmas Day night we went to Alex's parents house to eat and open presents.
My favorite presents were - Magic Bullet, Dirt Devil cone, necklace from Alex, ipod speaker dock.
On a bad note... my mom did find out that Alex and I drink. Alex left one of those pina colada wine coolers in the trash and she saw it. Which is ironic... because we never drink those... they give me heartburn. But Alex bought them randomly one night.
Oh well. She didn't freak out AS bad as I thought she would. But if she ever tells dad... yeah... that's when all hell will break loose. I just better not make her mad!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The Perfectionist Boss
I decided to write this because I'm not happy with my job. I just graduated college and have yet to find a real "post-college" job. I work for a company where I do various clerical work... nothing too complicated. In fact, it's downright boring.
Sometimes my job is ok. The people are alright... some of them. And usually my boss is ok. Not today. She freaked out because I accidentally paid the property taxes of two individuals who were paid off. This had happened last year too and I don't remember her getting so mad... but that is besides that point. Apparentily, it is extremely disapointing for me to have waited a day to tell her... because apparentily I'm trying to take all the company's money by paying property taxes I don't need to on the VISA! WHAT THE HELL. I sent an email to the revenue commissioner asking how to reverse the transaction. I figured they would either say they couldn't or explain the process... and if they couldn't, we'd get the money from the borrowers like we had done in the past. Obviously that was the wrong move. I should have never wrote that email and instead told her directly. EXCUSE ME for trying to save you the trouble of finding a solution to the issue! I guess I forgot I was just a stupid intern who knows nothing about the business world! She seriously made me feel like an idiot. She was like "Ashley, I'm so disapointed blah blah blah you should have told me, this is MONEY we are talking about blah blah blah You can't do things that like in the real world blah blah blah..."
I wanted to quit right then and there. I thought about it. Sometimes I'd rather pay them 7.70/hour to not come into work! She NEVER gives me positive reinforcement but points out every single little error... and then explains things like I'm a moron! I know more about the business world than she does, I actually HAVE a business degree. It's not like I meant to pay the wrong taxes, it was on my spreadsheet wrong! She's just lucky I caught it! But noooo... can't make an innocent mistake. Can't try to fix anything myself. Because apparentily, I'm incompetent.
I think I've gotten to the point where I don't like being talked down to. Or rather, to the point where I'm not going to take it. I want to be the boss, not the other way around. And I HATE it when people doubt my intelligence just because I'm young. When I make a mistake, it's not usually because I'm an idiot, it's because of poor recordkeeping or poor directions. When you hand me 20 things at once to do without detailed directions... well, your asking for a few mistakes. I have a good memory but I can't read your handwriting.
It's crazy. Because sometimes she is so nice and whatever then one minute, BAM, insensitive and rude boss. I know the kind of manager I'm going to be one day... and it will not be like her. I don't live to work, I work to live. The way it SHOULD be.
As soon as I find a new job, I'm GONE. If she pulls a stunt like that again, she can kiss a two weeks notice goodbye. Find someone else to do my job, you should already be looking!!! I try my best at work and I shouldn't be getting berated for a simple mistake. She acted like I had stolen the credit card and gone shopping for heavens sake.
For all you managers out there, learn PEOPLE SKILLs. Employees don't want to work for bosses who never give them credit. I worked harder at my old job when my bosses gave me positive reinforcement. I don't really care at my job right now... I don't go "above and beyond", I just go to the point of "ok"... because I don't get any credit for working harder.
Yeah, my day sucked. :(
I know it's kind of risky putting this on a public blog but I doubt she'd ever find it. If she did, it'd be because someone showed it to her. And well, I'm at the point where getting fired wouldn't be a disapointment so who cares.
Sometimes my job is ok. The people are alright... some of them. And usually my boss is ok. Not today. She freaked out because I accidentally paid the property taxes of two individuals who were paid off. This had happened last year too and I don't remember her getting so mad... but that is besides that point. Apparentily, it is extremely disapointing for me to have waited a day to tell her... because apparentily I'm trying to take all the company's money by paying property taxes I don't need to on the VISA! WHAT THE HELL. I sent an email to the revenue commissioner asking how to reverse the transaction. I figured they would either say they couldn't or explain the process... and if they couldn't, we'd get the money from the borrowers like we had done in the past. Obviously that was the wrong move. I should have never wrote that email and instead told her directly. EXCUSE ME for trying to save you the trouble of finding a solution to the issue! I guess I forgot I was just a stupid intern who knows nothing about the business world! She seriously made me feel like an idiot. She was like "Ashley, I'm so disapointed blah blah blah you should have told me, this is MONEY we are talking about blah blah blah You can't do things that like in the real world blah blah blah..."
I wanted to quit right then and there. I thought about it. Sometimes I'd rather pay them 7.70/hour to not come into work! She NEVER gives me positive reinforcement but points out every single little error... and then explains things like I'm a moron! I know more about the business world than she does, I actually HAVE a business degree. It's not like I meant to pay the wrong taxes, it was on my spreadsheet wrong! She's just lucky I caught it! But noooo... can't make an innocent mistake. Can't try to fix anything myself. Because apparentily, I'm incompetent.
I think I've gotten to the point where I don't like being talked down to. Or rather, to the point where I'm not going to take it. I want to be the boss, not the other way around. And I HATE it when people doubt my intelligence just because I'm young. When I make a mistake, it's not usually because I'm an idiot, it's because of poor recordkeeping or poor directions. When you hand me 20 things at once to do without detailed directions... well, your asking for a few mistakes. I have a good memory but I can't read your handwriting.
It's crazy. Because sometimes she is so nice and whatever then one minute, BAM, insensitive and rude boss. I know the kind of manager I'm going to be one day... and it will not be like her. I don't live to work, I work to live. The way it SHOULD be.
As soon as I find a new job, I'm GONE. If she pulls a stunt like that again, she can kiss a two weeks notice goodbye. Find someone else to do my job, you should already be looking!!! I try my best at work and I shouldn't be getting berated for a simple mistake. She acted like I had stolen the credit card and gone shopping for heavens sake.
For all you managers out there, learn PEOPLE SKILLs. Employees don't want to work for bosses who never give them credit. I worked harder at my old job when my bosses gave me positive reinforcement. I don't really care at my job right now... I don't go "above and beyond", I just go to the point of "ok"... because I don't get any credit for working harder.
Yeah, my day sucked. :(
I know it's kind of risky putting this on a public blog but I doubt she'd ever find it. If she did, it'd be because someone showed it to her. And well, I'm at the point where getting fired wouldn't be a disapointment so who cares.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
So I'm officially a college graduate. 3 1/2 years! Ok... what now? ... seriously.
I can't find a job. Great time to be a finance graduate who wanted to work in investments, huh?!
I can't find a job. Great time to be a finance graduate who wanted to work in investments, huh?!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Graduation present
I'm typing this on by new iPhone 3g!!! My parents got it for my graduation present. I love it! I'm still getting used to typing on the tiny buttons though. I graduate next Saturday!
Monday, November 24, 2008
I'm so stressed out I could cry. I have too much due tomorrow and not enough time.
I had an interview today... in front of three managers... and it didn't go so great. For one, they kept asking what kind of job I was interested in... and never explained the job I was supposedly applying for. I was lost, to say the least. What kind of job do I want? ANY job. Just like any other graduate! I mean seriously, what kind of question is that? Do they seriously think anyone right out of college knows excactly which particular section of finance or accounting they want to go in? And even if they did, what's the chance that particular company has it? It was an impossible question. Then they had to ask the hardest question ever - "Why should we choose you over the 5 other canidates?" FIRST OFF - am I even competing with them?! How many positions are there to begin with? They did not explain it very well at all... and did not seem open to explaining anything. It was very poorly organized.
Not to mention the german guy asked me to work out a euro hedging problem as soon as I mentioned I took a derivatives class. WTH. I got it right but when I couldn't do the accounting side of it they looked at me like I was a complete idiot. We don't learn how to do that in finance!! It was absolutely horrible. I have never been on a job interview that was conducted so unprofessionally.
Needless to say, I won't be getting that job.
I had an interview today... in front of three managers... and it didn't go so great. For one, they kept asking what kind of job I was interested in... and never explained the job I was supposedly applying for. I was lost, to say the least. What kind of job do I want? ANY job. Just like any other graduate! I mean seriously, what kind of question is that? Do they seriously think anyone right out of college knows excactly which particular section of finance or accounting they want to go in? And even if they did, what's the chance that particular company has it? It was an impossible question. Then they had to ask the hardest question ever - "Why should we choose you over the 5 other canidates?" FIRST OFF - am I even competing with them?! How many positions are there to begin with? They did not explain it very well at all... and did not seem open to explaining anything. It was very poorly organized.
Not to mention the german guy asked me to work out a euro hedging problem as soon as I mentioned I took a derivatives class. WTH. I got it right but when I couldn't do the accounting side of it they looked at me like I was a complete idiot. We don't learn how to do that in finance!! It was absolutely horrible. I have never been on a job interview that was conducted so unprofessionally.
Needless to say, I won't be getting that job.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Air show!
I am so tired. I could barely sleep at all last night. I kept waking up from horrible nightmares... :(
I had to wake up at 6:00 beacuse dad should be here any minute to pick me up for the air show in Pensacola. I'm excited! I'd be more excited if I didn't feel sort of sick... and tired.
At least I was productive this morning. I washed and folded some clothes, put the roast in the crockpot for supper, and cleaned up the living room.
Hm... I just saw two cop cars drive by. I swear to god I hate where I live. I can't wait to get a house. It's so ghetto here.
I just saw dad drive up, I'll update later :D
I had to wake up at 6:00 beacuse dad should be here any minute to pick me up for the air show in Pensacola. I'm excited! I'd be more excited if I didn't feel sort of sick... and tired.
At least I was productive this morning. I washed and folded some clothes, put the roast in the crockpot for supper, and cleaned up the living room.
Hm... I just saw two cop cars drive by. I swear to god I hate where I live. I can't wait to get a house. It's so ghetto here.
I just saw dad drive up, I'll update later :D
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Counting down the days
News - I got my graduation invites today! I just have to address them all and mail them; Dad & I are going to the air show Saturuday; I still can't find a post-college job... help?!
Alex and I are going to the Jerusalem cafe after he gets off work. I've never been... but I heard its good. I hope so :)
I really want to start cooking more but its hard... when I have no time and no groceries. When I graduate I'll have more time and money hopefully. Cause I feel bad sometimes not having a great dinner cooked for Alex when he comes home from work... because I know I could if I just had the time and stuff.
Alex and I are going to the Jerusalem cafe after he gets off work. I've never been... but I heard its good. I hope so :)
I really want to start cooking more but its hard... when I have no time and no groceries. When I graduate I'll have more time and money hopefully. Cause I feel bad sometimes not having a great dinner cooked for Alex when he comes home from work... because I know I could if I just had the time and stuff.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I feel really stressed out and overwhelmed by school. This is what I have until I graduate -
Japan presentation + paper (this is going to take forever)
Final in Spanish, International mgt, Sociology, Derivatives, and Real estate
Case in MGT 485
Strategic report in MGT 485
Extra credit for derivatives... which I need, I failed the last test
Probably a few quizzes
I just don't have enough time. I can't wait to be finished...
I'm just scared I'm going to have three Cs this semester... AT LEAST. Alex always gets mad at me when I compare myself to my classmates as far as grades. He always says they don't work (or have a "real" job where you can't do HW at work) and aren't taking 18 hours. True. But I've never been a C student. My only C was last semester in multinational finance... the same teacher who is teaching the derivative class... I HATE that stuff. I just can't grasp it.
Japan presentation + paper (this is going to take forever)
Final in Spanish, International mgt, Sociology, Derivatives, and Real estate
Case in MGT 485
Strategic report in MGT 485
Extra credit for derivatives... which I need, I failed the last test
Probably a few quizzes
I just don't have enough time. I can't wait to be finished...
I'm just scared I'm going to have three Cs this semester... AT LEAST. Alex always gets mad at me when I compare myself to my classmates as far as grades. He always says they don't work (or have a "real" job where you can't do HW at work) and aren't taking 18 hours. True. But I've never been a C student. My only C was last semester in multinational finance... the same teacher who is teaching the derivative class... I HATE that stuff. I just can't grasp it.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
I just got back home from the weirdest party ever. It was a bonfire with Michael's work friend. Except his work friend is like 30-something and lives in a trailer out in Grand Bay. Michael was so drunk he fell in the bonfire... or jumped... whatever.
It makes me seriously question Michael's judgement in friends. One of them I never saw because he was passed out in the trailer! All of them were wasted. His work friend kept saying I was "super hot" and playing with my hair... um awkward. And we had to drive Michael home because he was so out of it. And Heather was there even though Michael supposedly broke up with her. He shouldn't be allowed to drink tequila. Though I did try some moonshine (coconut-flavored) and it was pretty good. So... I'm sorry if this entry doesn't make complete sense.
Alex and I went to Whataburger on the way home. I got some french fries and he got a honey chicken sandwich... which I ate half of. It was good!
It makes me seriously question Michael's judgement in friends. One of them I never saw because he was passed out in the trailer! All of them were wasted. His work friend kept saying I was "super hot" and playing with my hair... um awkward. And we had to drive Michael home because he was so out of it. And Heather was there even though Michael supposedly broke up with her. He shouldn't be allowed to drink tequila. Though I did try some moonshine (coconut-flavored) and it was pretty good. So... I'm sorry if this entry doesn't make complete sense.
Alex and I went to Whataburger on the way home. I got some french fries and he got a honey chicken sandwich... which I ate half of. It was good!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
A good day
Today was pretty good.
I went to work in the morning & Alex brought me Starbuck's hot chocolate! How sweet :)
Then I went to all three of my classes (yes, all three... I'm proud of myself.)
Now I'm cooking supper. Lima beans & black-eyed peas served with cornbread and diced raw onions. Alex's favorite!
Then we're going to go to his sister's new place to check it out and bring her my bday present for her. I made a chocolate and walnut pie for her... and I'm going to go buy her some OPI nail polish because I know she likes that. I'm thinking either grey or dark blue... she likes edgy stuff. I really wanted to make her lasagna so she'd have something to eat (she doesn't really cook) while she's getting everything moved in... but the ingredients are too expensive! I'm really having to learn to be creative cooking on my budget.
Anyway, these past two nights have been great because I haven't had any major homework to do. Sure, I should probably be working on future stuff but I needed a break. I've had more time to clean and cook too! One night for supper I made conecuh sausage & rice stuffed bell peppers, which turned out really good.
Oh! And today two different people offered to do two really nice things for me. Made my day even better!
Also - Tomorrow we're going to go to Greek Fest! Yay!
I went to work in the morning & Alex brought me Starbuck's hot chocolate! How sweet :)
Then I went to all three of my classes (yes, all three... I'm proud of myself.)
Now I'm cooking supper. Lima beans & black-eyed peas served with cornbread and diced raw onions. Alex's favorite!
Then we're going to go to his sister's new place to check it out and bring her my bday present for her. I made a chocolate and walnut pie for her... and I'm going to go buy her some OPI nail polish because I know she likes that. I'm thinking either grey or dark blue... she likes edgy stuff. I really wanted to make her lasagna so she'd have something to eat (she doesn't really cook) while she's getting everything moved in... but the ingredients are too expensive! I'm really having to learn to be creative cooking on my budget.
Anyway, these past two nights have been great because I haven't had any major homework to do. Sure, I should probably be working on future stuff but I needed a break. I've had more time to clean and cook too! One night for supper I made conecuh sausage & rice stuffed bell peppers, which turned out really good.
Oh! And today two different people offered to do two really nice things for me. Made my day even better!
Also - Tomorrow we're going to go to Greek Fest! Yay!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Election & McRib
So Obama won. I can't say I'm too surprised. This country is full of backwards people... although I'm happy to say I don't call any of them friends. And I'm even happier to say I don't live in a state where there are very many of them! Thank GOD I live in Alabama. The liberals will learn, that's all I can say. When they have no more money because it's given to all the lazy people who can't get a job... then they'll wish they hadn't voted for him. I could ramble on all day about this but I'll say that for another post. I have to finish cleaning my apartment before I go to work.
As far as good news goes... I tried a McRib today from McDonalds and it was really good. Michael loves them and I've always wanted to try one... so Alex and I split one. Yum.
I'll leave you with a quote "If your young and republican you have no heart but if your old and democrat you have no brain." I think that quote is pretty true. Except I do have a heart... but not for poor/low-income people. They aren't my problem and I don't think my money should be spread to support them. I work hard for what I have and they should work hard if they want anything... they should NOT be handed things. I guess that could be percieved as having no heart... so I think the quote is accurate.
As far as good news goes... I tried a McRib today from McDonalds and it was really good. Michael loves them and I've always wanted to try one... so Alex and I split one. Yum.
I'll leave you with a quote "If your young and republican you have no heart but if your old and democrat you have no brain." I think that quote is pretty true. Except I do have a heart... but not for poor/low-income people. They aren't my problem and I don't think my money should be spread to support them. I work hard for what I have and they should work hard if they want anything... they should NOT be handed things. I guess that could be percieved as having no heart... so I think the quote is accurate.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Derivatives & Voting
I am freaking out over my derivatives test. I absolutely HATE that class and would have never taken it unless I had to. Everything is so abstract and confusing and POINTLESS.
Today is Election Day! Go McCain :D I'm going to go vote after I get out of class. Sort of pointless though... considering the election is based off of electoral votes and there is not a chance in hell Obama would win Alabama.
But I'm going to go anyway.
Today is Election Day! Go McCain :D I'm going to go vote after I get out of class. Sort of pointless though... considering the election is based off of electoral votes and there is not a chance in hell Obama would win Alabama.
But I'm going to go anyway.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Do you ever feel guilty for something you didn't even do? I've been having that feeling a lot lately.
So only one more day to halloween! YAY!
Alex's alarm didn't go off this morning... so I couldn't make it to work. I missed work Tuesday too. Thank god my boss is understanding... and nobody else wants to my job... or I'd be fired by now.
So all I have to do is:
1. Upload paper to turnitin.com
2. Find somebody who will feel sorry for me and help me with derivatives
3. Bring Sarah accounting stuff (I JUST remembered this... thank god I made a list... now I just have to find that stuff...)
4. Meet with Mike and work on international mgt project instead of real estate
5. Type international mgt case
6. Clean apartment
7. Possibly cook halloween dessert to bring to work tomorrow
And I'll be DONE for the week. YAY!!!
Other good news... our glo-bus group is slowly but steadily improving. I'm not sure we'll ever catch up but at least we're not going backwards.
Aaand I have wal-mart chicken tenders, mac & cheese, and red bull for lunch! Today is going to be good, I know it :)
Alex's alarm didn't go off this morning... so I couldn't make it to work. I missed work Tuesday too. Thank god my boss is understanding... and nobody else wants to my job... or I'd be fired by now.
So all I have to do is:
1. Upload paper to turnitin.com
2. Find somebody who will feel sorry for me and help me with derivatives
3. Bring Sarah accounting stuff (I JUST remembered this... thank god I made a list... now I just have to find that stuff...)
4. Meet with Mike and work on international mgt project instead of real estate
5. Type international mgt case
6. Clean apartment
7. Possibly cook halloween dessert to bring to work tomorrow
And I'll be DONE for the week. YAY!!!
Other good news... our glo-bus group is slowly but steadily improving. I'm not sure we'll ever catch up but at least we're not going backwards.
Aaand I have wal-mart chicken tenders, mac & cheese, and red bull for lunch! Today is going to be good, I know it :)
Monday, October 27, 2008
Completely random post - but you know how people say beer is an acquired taste?
I don't think I can believe that yet...
On Friday night Michael, Heather, Kristin, & Travis came over. Kristin was drinking Corona and it looked good so I decided to try one. I put two lemons in it and it was alright... but I had been drinking R&R so I think that may have numbed my taste buds. I even think I drank one of Michael's budweisers... I think. But it was gross.
So the next day I wanted to try it again to see if it would taste better the second time around. Laila wanted to try it too so we bought some more Corona. Yeah... no. It tasted worse than the night before... even with like four limes. I ended up drinking two but the taste never got better. The more limes made it easier to drink though... more like lime-flavored pee than regular pee. Ew.
Then yesterday I tried it AGAIN. And it still tasted horrible. So I think I'm done with that experiment. I wanted to like it because it is cheaper than the other drinks I like... but no.
I don't think I can believe that yet...
On Friday night Michael, Heather, Kristin, & Travis came over. Kristin was drinking Corona and it looked good so I decided to try one. I put two lemons in it and it was alright... but I had been drinking R&R so I think that may have numbed my taste buds. I even think I drank one of Michael's budweisers... I think. But it was gross.
So the next day I wanted to try it again to see if it would taste better the second time around. Laila wanted to try it too so we bought some more Corona. Yeah... no. It tasted worse than the night before... even with like four limes. I ended up drinking two but the taste never got better. The more limes made it easier to drink though... more like lime-flavored pee than regular pee. Ew.
Then yesterday I tried it AGAIN. And it still tasted horrible. So I think I'm done with that experiment. I wanted to like it because it is cheaper than the other drinks I like... but no.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Bad things definitely do happen to good people. India (boss) just called me to tell me that Linda's (coworker) husband died suddenly and Gary's (coworker) little girl is in critical condition because of a brain injury.
Linda has been through so much... just now recovering from lung cancer surgery (her first day back would have been tomorrow) and for this to happen to her... It wasn't even expected at all, nothing was wrong with him. They don't even know what happened yet. She's a strong lady though and she's been through so much. I pray she can get through this.
And for Gary... his little girl was playing with her brothers and hit her head... and she had to have brain surgery. India said she's in critical condition. I'm praying that she'll make it through this and be fine. That just breaks my heart too... I can't even imagine how Gary is feeling. He is such a sweet guy and a lot of fun to work with.
Neither of them deserve that. But God does have a plan I guess... and I'll be praying for them. If and when they ever come back to work I don't even know what I'd say to them. What do you say to someone in those situations? "Sorry" doesn't cut it. "I know how you feel" definitely doesn't cut it. I just don't know... I didn't ever know what to say to Linda she found out she had cancer... twice. I don't know if she thinks I just don't care or what but I just don't know what to say.
And to top it all off... I had to ask India for tomorrow afternoon off work when she called. Because that's the only time my group members can meet to practice our presentation.
Linda has been through so much... just now recovering from lung cancer surgery (her first day back would have been tomorrow) and for this to happen to her... It wasn't even expected at all, nothing was wrong with him. They don't even know what happened yet. She's a strong lady though and she's been through so much. I pray she can get through this.
And for Gary... his little girl was playing with her brothers and hit her head... and she had to have brain surgery. India said she's in critical condition. I'm praying that she'll make it through this and be fine. That just breaks my heart too... I can't even imagine how Gary is feeling. He is such a sweet guy and a lot of fun to work with.
Neither of them deserve that. But God does have a plan I guess... and I'll be praying for them. If and when they ever come back to work I don't even know what I'd say to them. What do you say to someone in those situations? "Sorry" doesn't cut it. "I know how you feel" definitely doesn't cut it. I just don't know... I didn't ever know what to say to Linda she found out she had cancer... twice. I don't know if she thinks I just don't care or what but I just don't know what to say.
And to top it all off... I had to ask India for tomorrow afternoon off work when she called. Because that's the only time my group members can meet to practice our presentation.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I hate football
If there is one thing I could change about Alex... it would be his football obsession.
He's watching the Auburn game right now and he keeps screaming and slapping himself/the couch/etc very loudly. It is beyond annoying. Football brings out the worst in him, seriously. You try and talk to him while football is on... he'll go crazy.
I mean... there's nothing wrong in watching the game but when it actually makes you mad... something is wrong. IT IS JUST A GAME. A GAME. OMG!!!
I can't do my case-tutor because it's so loud here. I did study spanish though... so that's good.
He's watching the Auburn game right now and he keeps screaming and slapping himself/the couch/etc very loudly. It is beyond annoying. Football brings out the worst in him, seriously. You try and talk to him while football is on... he'll go crazy.
I mean... there's nothing wrong in watching the game but when it actually makes you mad... something is wrong. IT IS JUST A GAME. A GAME. OMG!!!
I can't do my case-tutor because it's so loud here. I did study spanish though... so that's good.
I want -

Rescue Beauty Lounge - Bruised
But I don't think I can justify spending $18 on a bottle of nail polish anytime soon. Especially when I suck at painting my nails and get frustrated whenever the polish chips and only end up wearing it for like a few hours... yeah...

Rescue Beauty Lounge - Bruised
But I don't think I can justify spending $18 on a bottle of nail polish anytime soon. Especially when I suck at painting my nails and get frustrated whenever the polish chips and only end up wearing it for like a few hours... yeah...
fall color,
nail polish,
rescue beauty lounge,
winter color
I have a horrible case of senioritus. I got my real estate test back today and guess what I made? A 17!!! Out of 50! So that's like a 30-something. Now... it wouldn't be as bad if the test wasn't on amortization schedules and mortgages... but I'm a FINANCE major and work for a MORTGAGE company. Wow. That's sad.
We get to drop our lowest test grade... but nonetheless... I'm depressed. I used to be the "smart" girl/honor student and I never, ever even made Cs. Now I'm the girl who never comes to class and makes average grades. I guess that's what 16 years of being a A/B student get you... burnout.
18 hours of senior-level classes + a 15 hour office job + an apartment to maintain + a puppy and fiance to take care of = too much for me right now
I need to graduate ASAP before my GPA completely dies. December 6th can't come soon enough. Will I be ready for the real world? No. I don't even have time for school... much less time to job hunt.
I'm going to force myself to do the case tutor for my 485 class this afternoon. Right after I give Mocha a bath...
I have problems.
On the bright side of my procrastination... Alex found him a halloween costume today when I should have been in class. We found an old air force uniform at Goodwill. We're both going to be airplane captains ;)
We get to drop our lowest test grade... but nonetheless... I'm depressed. I used to be the "smart" girl/honor student and I never, ever even made Cs. Now I'm the girl who never comes to class and makes average grades. I guess that's what 16 years of being a A/B student get you... burnout.
18 hours of senior-level classes + a 15 hour office job + an apartment to maintain + a puppy and fiance to take care of = too much for me right now
I need to graduate ASAP before my GPA completely dies. December 6th can't come soon enough. Will I be ready for the real world? No. I don't even have time for school... much less time to job hunt.
I'm going to force myself to do the case tutor for my 485 class this afternoon. Right after I give Mocha a bath...
I have problems.
On the bright side of my procrastination... Alex found him a halloween costume today when I should have been in class. We found an old air force uniform at Goodwill. We're both going to be airplane captains ;)
I am so overwhelmed with school right now. I have tons of projects due next week... I can't wait for halloween!!
I hate, hate, hate giving presentations. You know, they say that's something you'll have to do in the corporate world and yeah you do... but it's not the same. I'd almost prefer to do a presentation in front of my co-workers!
Anyway... I made homemade hummus and pita bread last night. The pita bread turned out good but the hummus... ew. It doesn't taste like the kind I like. It may taste like authenic hummus, I don't know... but if so, I don't like it!
Well I better go to work. I hope they have breakfast there this morning. But I doubt it because the boss is out of town... so they might not be having a meeting.
Whoever reads this (though I doubt anybody does), have a great day! :)
I hate, hate, hate giving presentations. You know, they say that's something you'll have to do in the corporate world and yeah you do... but it's not the same. I'd almost prefer to do a presentation in front of my co-workers!
Anyway... I made homemade hummus and pita bread last night. The pita bread turned out good but the hummus... ew. It doesn't taste like the kind I like. It may taste like authenic hummus, I don't know... but if so, I don't like it!
Well I better go to work. I hope they have breakfast there this morning. But I doubt it because the boss is out of town... so they might not be having a meeting.
Whoever reads this (though I doubt anybody does), have a great day! :)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
So I'm just lying in bed waiting for 7:45 when I have to leave to go to work. This is my tentative plan for the day-
- Go to work until 10:00
- Go to class from 11:00 - 3:15
- Go run errands with Laila
- Hopefully go to the Petsmart halloween party with mom & Mocha
Busy! Anyway, I found Mocha a costume! A devil :) They didn't have much to choose from but I think she looks pretty cute. I found a costume for me too. An airplane captain/pilot/whatever. Everyone thinks I look like a flight attendant though. I don't know. I just picked the cheapest one (they are all SO expensive!) I could find that I could fit in! Ok... that makes me sound really fat. But no seriously... those costumes are cut extremely small. I had to buy a large... and I'm like 5'4" and 120. It's crazy.
Oh, and remember how I said glo-bus was getting easier? Yeah right. Our group is in last place now. Not sure how that happened... but hopefully we can catch up. I just wish our grade wasn't based on a stupid simulation!!!
- Go to work until 10:00
- Go to class from 11:00 - 3:15
- Go run errands with Laila
- Hopefully go to the Petsmart halloween party with mom & Mocha
Busy! Anyway, I found Mocha a costume! A devil :) They didn't have much to choose from but I think she looks pretty cute. I found a costume for me too. An airplane captain/pilot/whatever. Everyone thinks I look like a flight attendant though. I don't know. I just picked the cheapest one (they are all SO expensive!) I could find that I could fit in! Ok... that makes me sound really fat. But no seriously... those costumes are cut extremely small. I had to buy a large... and I'm like 5'4" and 120. It's crazy.
Oh, and remember how I said glo-bus was getting easier? Yeah right. Our group is in last place now. Not sure how that happened... but hopefully we can catch up. I just wish our grade wasn't based on a stupid simulation!!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I have a serious craving for some Greek food.
Hummus, feta, gyros, baklava...
Hopefully I'll be having some for dinner!
Hummus, feta, gyros, baklava...
Hopefully I'll be having some for dinner!
I have a feeling that today will be productive. Yesterday morning certainly wasn't... I think I have a sleep addiction or something. Or senioritus. Whatever it is, it's killing my GPA.
But last night I did my Coach, Inc case for MGT 485 and derivatives homework. I wasn't sure I'd have time to get everything finished but I did!
Tonight I have to do Glo-bus stuff, but I should have plenty of time.
A recap of my weekend -
Friday - Went to a mexican restaurant, then came home and fell asleep
Saturday - Laila came over and she cooked hamburger and homemade french fries (OMG so good... I actually had to make some more Sunday because I liked them so much!) while watching the football games. I have to admit, I really really don't like watching football. It's SO boring. Then we didn't even do anything after that!! So that kind of sucked.
Sunday - Went to church, church picnic, then the bridal show down at the convention center... which was a crazy mess.
Well I have to leave to go to work... I'll update more later :)
But last night I did my Coach, Inc case for MGT 485 and derivatives homework. I wasn't sure I'd have time to get everything finished but I did!
Tonight I have to do Glo-bus stuff, but I should have plenty of time.
A recap of my weekend -
Friday - Went to a mexican restaurant, then came home and fell asleep
Saturday - Laila came over and she cooked hamburger and homemade french fries (OMG so good... I actually had to make some more Sunday because I liked them so much!) while watching the football games. I have to admit, I really really don't like watching football. It's SO boring. Then we didn't even do anything after that!! So that kind of sucked.
Sunday - Went to church, church picnic, then the bridal show down at the convention center... which was a crazy mess.
Well I have to leave to go to work... I'll update more later :)
Friday, October 10, 2008
I am so overwhelmed with school and everything.
Friday - After work today I'll have to work on Glo-bus for the team meeting tomorrow. Then maybe I'm going to the Faith vs. Vigor game.
Saturday - Work in the morning until 1:00. Meet with Glo-bus team at 2:00 and work on our company strategy. After that, work on the Coach case.
Sunday - Church at 11:00, follow by picnic. Then the bridal show downtown... then finish Coach case and do derivatives homework
Monday - Finish Coach case and derivatives.
Tuesday - Coach case due.
Wednesday - Glo-bus decisions and strategy due
Thursday - Real estate test and derivatives quiz
Friday - Spanish test
Not to mention I have another case presentation due at the end of the month, an international management case, a international mgt project, glo-bus paper, etc etc etc. OMG!!!
Friday - After work today I'll have to work on Glo-bus for the team meeting tomorrow. Then maybe I'm going to the Faith vs. Vigor game.
Saturday - Work in the morning until 1:00. Meet with Glo-bus team at 2:00 and work on our company strategy. After that, work on the Coach case.
Sunday - Church at 11:00, follow by picnic. Then the bridal show downtown... then finish Coach case and do derivatives homework
Monday - Finish Coach case and derivatives.
Tuesday - Coach case due.
Wednesday - Glo-bus decisions and strategy due
Thursday - Real estate test and derivatives quiz
Friday - Spanish test
Not to mention I have another case presentation due at the end of the month, an international management case, a international mgt project, glo-bus paper, etc etc etc. OMG!!!
Friday, October 3, 2008
If we keep the date... in 1 year I'll be married to Alex <3 I love him so much!
Today is also our 2 year and 10 month anniversary :D So in honor of that... I'm going to write about how we met.
It was my first ever college class freshman year, English 101 with Mrs. Varnado. I sat in the front of the classroom and Alex sat in the back.

^ Same classroom, same seats. We were bored one Saturday, don't ask.
Anyway, Alex never talked to me but talked to all the other girls. So I assumed he didn't like me. I always had a crush on him though because he was very outgoing and talkative... and I loved that. Opposites attract, I suppose! Anyway, I found him on facebook one day and I added him. He commented "Nice pic" on my wall. We started talking a little after that, a few words here and there. Then one day he walked with me to my class in the MCOB... saying he was going to the engineering building. I knew he was going the wrong way so I knew he was doing it in purpose ;) I gave him my number and he called that Friday and we went to a movie. We went on several dates after that and on December 3, 2005... he drove to my house and told me he liked me. We've been together ever since! Turns out he was just intimidated by me and had a crush on me all along too! On May 29th, 2008 he proposed and on May 31st we moved in together. Everything is just how I dreamed it would be. Of course... I never dreamed I would move in with a guy before I got married... but circumstances come up. I'm much more happier living with him than with my parents.
Today is also our 2 year and 10 month anniversary :D So in honor of that... I'm going to write about how we met.
It was my first ever college class freshman year, English 101 with Mrs. Varnado. I sat in the front of the classroom and Alex sat in the back.
^ Same classroom, same seats. We were bored one Saturday, don't ask.
Anyway, Alex never talked to me but talked to all the other girls. So I assumed he didn't like me. I always had a crush on him though because he was very outgoing and talkative... and I loved that. Opposites attract, I suppose! Anyway, I found him on facebook one day and I added him. He commented "Nice pic" on my wall. We started talking a little after that, a few words here and there. Then one day he walked with me to my class in the MCOB... saying he was going to the engineering building. I knew he was going the wrong way so I knew he was doing it in purpose ;) I gave him my number and he called that Friday and we went to a movie. We went on several dates after that and on December 3, 2005... he drove to my house and told me he liked me. We've been together ever since! Turns out he was just intimidated by me and had a crush on me all along too! On May 29th, 2008 he proposed and on May 31st we moved in together. Everything is just how I dreamed it would be. Of course... I never dreamed I would move in with a guy before I got married... but circumstances come up. I'm much more happier living with him than with my parents.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Good morning
This morning the weather is beautiful.
I really, really wish I could go to the realtor picnic today at work :(
But I have class!
I'm about to leave to go to work in a minute. I'll probably be helping set up for the picnic all morning... at least I hope so. That's so much more fun than scanning.
I'm glad its getting colder outside, now I can start wearing jeans and sweaters and stuff without being hot.
Today I'm wearing a grey pencil skirt, a cotton short-sleeve blue turtleneck, and grey print ballet flats. I HATE the ballet flats because they kill my feet but I had to wear something closed toe.
I'm not so sure how I like the grey nail polish yet. It's almost too dark. They didn't have the pink!
Anyway - my team got 2nd place (out of 8) in Glo-bus again! Yay. The game is turning out to be so much easier than I imagined.
I really, really wish I could go to the realtor picnic today at work :(
But I have class!
I'm about to leave to go to work in a minute. I'll probably be helping set up for the picnic all morning... at least I hope so. That's so much more fun than scanning.
I'm glad its getting colder outside, now I can start wearing jeans and sweaters and stuff without being hot.
Today I'm wearing a grey pencil skirt, a cotton short-sleeve blue turtleneck, and grey print ballet flats. I HATE the ballet flats because they kill my feet but I had to wear something closed toe.
I'm not so sure how I like the grey nail polish yet. It's almost too dark. They didn't have the pink!
Anyway - my team got 2nd place (out of 8) in Glo-bus again! Yay. The game is turning out to be so much easier than I imagined.
cold weather,
nail polish,
realtor picnic,
You Don't Know Jacques
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Nail polish
After finding this website - http://www.alllacqueredup.com
I have serious nail polish craving.

I may have to drag Alex to the mall later :x
Baguette Me Not is more my kind of color but... gray is big for fall. Hm.
I have serious nail polish craving.

I may have to drag Alex to the mall later :x
Baguette Me Not is more my kind of color but... gray is big for fall. Hm.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I made an 83 on my MGT 485 test! YAY :D Considering only 3 people made As and 12 people made Ds... I'm pretty happy. All I did was read all the chapters the night before and did the online questions. And I didn't even look at the financials. And my study time was cut short because I went out with Laila :x So yeah, I'm really happy :)
More good news... my grandma had surgery Saturday and they put a stint in her heart. She went home Sunday and she's doing good. I'm so glad... you have no idea how worried I was.
Bad news... I got to take Mocha to the vet today. She always throws up everywhere when she comes home... ew. And I skipped derivatives... because I hate that class and can't follow anything he talks about. I hope I don't fail.
And where the heck is Alex? He isn't answering his phone. He isn't at work today and he's not at the apartment. I wanted him to help me clean the apartment! Speaking of which... that's probably why he's missing.
More good news... my grandma had surgery Saturday and they put a stint in her heart. She went home Sunday and she's doing good. I'm so glad... you have no idea how worried I was.
Bad news... I got to take Mocha to the vet today. She always throws up everywhere when she comes home... ew. And I skipped derivatives... because I hate that class and can't follow anything he talks about. I hope I don't fail.
And where the heck is Alex? He isn't answering his phone. He isn't at work today and he's not at the apartment. I wanted him to help me clean the apartment! Speaking of which... that's probably why he's missing.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
My day started off great. I actually even realized it was great and even told Alex I was having an exceptionally great day. I had a good day at work this morning, did alright on my two tests, and even bought some new shoes.
Not so much anymore. My grandma is in the hospital. And she isn't just some distant relative I see on the holidays and barely talk to. She is like my second mom. Sometimes I felt like she was more of a mom to me than my own mother. She practically raised me when I was a baby and my mom worked. I call her every week and I used to visit her every week. I would spend every summer with her and we would always go on shopping trips. I tell her almost everything, even things I don't tell my parents. She was the one who first approved of Alex and I living together and made me feel great about it. She planned my engagement party with me and has helped me so much. My heart is breaking. I hope she will be ok... they don't know what is wrong with her. Might have been a stroke, they don't know. I just hope she'll be alright. I feel so bad for not visiting her lately. I just talked to her the other day on the phone. I love her so much and I'm just not ready to let go... not yet. I know she's 81 but I thought she was so healthy... she even cuts her own grass still. I just don't know what to do. Please pray for her. I just got home from the hospital and I didn't get to see her... I hope I will tomorrow.
Not so much anymore. My grandma is in the hospital. And she isn't just some distant relative I see on the holidays and barely talk to. She is like my second mom. Sometimes I felt like she was more of a mom to me than my own mother. She practically raised me when I was a baby and my mom worked. I call her every week and I used to visit her every week. I would spend every summer with her and we would always go on shopping trips. I tell her almost everything, even things I don't tell my parents. She was the one who first approved of Alex and I living together and made me feel great about it. She planned my engagement party with me and has helped me so much. My heart is breaking. I hope she will be ok... they don't know what is wrong with her. Might have been a stroke, they don't know. I just hope she'll be alright. I feel so bad for not visiting her lately. I just talked to her the other day on the phone. I love her so much and I'm just not ready to let go... not yet. I know she's 81 but I thought she was so healthy... she even cuts her own grass still. I just don't know what to do. Please pray for her. I just got home from the hospital and I didn't get to see her... I hope I will tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I should be studying right now but I don't have any motivation :|
I worked on Glo-Bus tonight but that's it... I still have to study for real estate and MGT 485.
I don't think I've updated since Alex's Uncle's Anniversary we went to this weekend in Wetumpka. It was actually pretty fun. All of his relatives were really nice :)
My new favorite drink is vanilla coke and malibu... best thing ever. Erin and I had that at the party and it was great! Of course we ended up drinking the whole bottle and I still didn't feel a thing. Gave me horrible heartburn too initially. But it tasted good! I think I'd have to mix that with vodka since it's such a low content. I think I must be weird... I almost always get heartburn when I first start drinking. Sugary drinks like Mikes Hard Lemonade and Smirnoff are the absolute worst though... it kills. I've read what causes it but it's really annoying.
ANYWAY, I'm rambling on again. Back to the trip... anyway, after we left the party Alex, Erin, and I went to Publix! BEST GROCERY STORE EVER. I wish we had one in Mobile. They sell OPI Nail Polish! I need to buy a new color... right now I've been wearing Essie "Watermelon" but with fall coming I need something new. I wish I had more money so I could go shopping! I'm bored with all my clothes. Anyway...
Alex is in the living room playing his video game... for like the fourth time today. He is obsessed with that stupid game. Why did I ever buy it for him? I should have known NCAA football game > Ashley.
Ah well. He probably thinks I'm studying.
I worked on Glo-Bus tonight but that's it... I still have to study for real estate and MGT 485.
I don't think I've updated since Alex's Uncle's Anniversary we went to this weekend in Wetumpka. It was actually pretty fun. All of his relatives were really nice :)
My new favorite drink is vanilla coke and malibu... best thing ever. Erin and I had that at the party and it was great! Of course we ended up drinking the whole bottle and I still didn't feel a thing. Gave me horrible heartburn too initially. But it tasted good! I think I'd have to mix that with vodka since it's such a low content. I think I must be weird... I almost always get heartburn when I first start drinking. Sugary drinks like Mikes Hard Lemonade and Smirnoff are the absolute worst though... it kills. I've read what causes it but it's really annoying.
ANYWAY, I'm rambling on again. Back to the trip... anyway, after we left the party Alex, Erin, and I went to Publix! BEST GROCERY STORE EVER. I wish we had one in Mobile. They sell OPI Nail Polish! I need to buy a new color... right now I've been wearing Essie "Watermelon" but with fall coming I need something new. I wish I had more money so I could go shopping! I'm bored with all my clothes. Anyway...
Alex is in the living room playing his video game... for like the fourth time today. He is obsessed with that stupid game. Why did I ever buy it for him? I should have known NCAA football game > Ashley.
Ah well. He probably thinks I'm studying.
Friday, September 19, 2008
It really shows a lot of self confidence when you say "You seem like your just bearing us." Why? Are you the type of person people normally 'just bear'? Whatever.
No, I just spent the last hour talking (more like yelling across the table) about Super Target and business with your buddy because I really don't like any of you. I mean, are you serious?
I guess it really annoys me when people think I don't like them just because I'm not OMGILOVEYOUGUYS the first time I meet complete strangers. I think that's a little scary actually. I mean, I may really come off as a bitch and I don't realize it... but I sure don't try to be. I'm just not the type of person who can be instant BFFs with strangers.
Speaking of BFFs, I don't think I ever want to hear anymore secrets, even implied... I'm not mentally prepared for that.
I wish Alex would have come. Mainly because he had locked himself in the bedroom when I got home because he was so mad I got home late. He's ok this morning though. We're going to his family reunion thing tonight so no work, yay!
No, I just spent the last hour talking (more like yelling across the table) about Super Target and business with your buddy because I really don't like any of you. I mean, are you serious?
I guess it really annoys me when people think I don't like them just because I'm not OMGILOVEYOUGUYS the first time I meet complete strangers. I think that's a little scary actually. I mean, I may really come off as a bitch and I don't realize it... but I sure don't try to be. I'm just not the type of person who can be instant BFFs with strangers.
Speaking of BFFs, I don't think I ever want to hear anymore secrets, even implied... I'm not mentally prepared for that.
I wish Alex would have come. Mainly because he had locked himself in the bedroom when I got home because he was so mad I got home late. He's ok this morning though. We're going to his family reunion thing tonight so no work, yay!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
So Alex wakes up this morning to go to the bathroom and it's flooded! The bathroom, the vanity area (carpet) and my closet (carpet)! Apparentily the toilet overflowed somehow...
Then we get a knock on the door and it's the maintenance guy. Apparentily it was leaking into the downstairs apartment below us. So we rush and try to hide the dog because we don't want to pay the pet deposit...
When he leaves we rush out and take the dog to his parent's house. Then we go to Michael's school (Bishop Southwest Campus) to get the garage door opener for my parent's house. My mom is off work for the rest of the week, thank god, so we just left Mocha with her.
Now we're back and I missed school all day. Crap. Still got to go to work though in about an hour. Then I have to come home and study for derivatives... or I'll definitely fail. Yaaay :|
Then we get a knock on the door and it's the maintenance guy. Apparentily it was leaking into the downstairs apartment below us. So we rush and try to hide the dog because we don't want to pay the pet deposit...
When he leaves we rush out and take the dog to his parent's house. Then we go to Michael's school (Bishop Southwest Campus) to get the garage door opener for my parent's house. My mom is off work for the rest of the week, thank god, so we just left Mocha with her.
Now we're back and I missed school all day. Crap. Still got to go to work though in about an hour. Then I have to come home and study for derivatives... or I'll definitely fail. Yaaay :|
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I just want you to know who I am
Just got back from grocery shopping!
I'm about to cook in a few minutes. I think I'm going to make baked chicken. Here is my recipe -
Frozen chicken breasts, thawed (I get the kind in the green bag from walmart and cook four at a time)
Cajun seasoning
Salt & Pepper
1 Onion
Mushrooms (canned or sauteed fresh, doesn't matter. I have fresh though today so I'll use that.)
Garlic (2 cloves)
So what I do is line a baking pan w/ aluminum foil then put the chicken breasts in and coat them w/ olive oil. Then I season them w/ Cajun seasoning (use lots, its not strong), basil (not too much, it IS strong), S&P, and minced fresh garlic. Then I cover them with strips of bacon (raw.) Then I top it all with sliced onions and mushrooms and baked it until its done (I'm not good with timing... I just check it every so often.) Cover the top w/ foil too until the last few minutes of cooking. If you want the bacon crispy on top, broil it for a few minutes.
*EDIT* - I also usually add chopped bell pepper. I buy peppers then chop them and freeze them in the freezer until I need them. You can just add it frozen, it thaws fast. I used orange this time.
I used to cook this all the time when I lived at home for supper when my mom would work late. It's easy and good. I think I might also make baked potatoes (I always cook them in the microwave, SO much easier and it tastes the same.) And maybe something else... I don't know.
I really need to study for my derivatives test tonight. I'm so lost in that class it is not even funny.
Oh yeah! This weekend I'm going to Alex's family reunion-type thing in Wetumpka. We'll see how that goes... as long as they aren't super-psycho and mean like his mom's side of the family, It'll be fine. Which btw... his mom is acting really nice and normal now. I guess she feels bad for cutting me down in front of my parents/trying to ruin my engagement party/trying to break Alex & I up. An apology would be a lot nicer though... I'm not going to forget her being so unnecessarily cruel to me just like that. Just because I want to marry her son. Like I'm an evil person or something. Yep. Whatever. As long as she doesn't try to pull anything else though, I'll play nice :) But if she so as much makes one rude comment during this wedding planning process... Alex better be standing next to me. Because I don't/didn't deserve all that crap. I like to think I'm a very nice person. Sure, I may be a little frank/straightforward sometimes... but I'm not mean. I guess I just don't fit in with them. I'm not loud... I can come across as serious (which I'm totally not... but I am with people I don't feel comfortable around) or quiet (again, with people I don't feel comfortable with) I guess but that doesn't make me rude. It means your making me uncomfortable! I always felt that way when I went over to their house. But I think it is getting better now.
Ok so I just completely went off on a rant there. Also, update on the job thing, I had to do a personality profile. I hate those. Anyway, I better start cooking.
I'm about to cook in a few minutes. I think I'm going to make baked chicken. Here is my recipe -
Frozen chicken breasts, thawed (I get the kind in the green bag from walmart and cook four at a time)
Cajun seasoning
Salt & Pepper
1 Onion
Mushrooms (canned or sauteed fresh, doesn't matter. I have fresh though today so I'll use that.)
Garlic (2 cloves)
So what I do is line a baking pan w/ aluminum foil then put the chicken breasts in and coat them w/ olive oil. Then I season them w/ Cajun seasoning (use lots, its not strong), basil (not too much, it IS strong), S&P, and minced fresh garlic. Then I cover them with strips of bacon (raw.) Then I top it all with sliced onions and mushrooms and baked it until its done (I'm not good with timing... I just check it every so often.) Cover the top w/ foil too until the last few minutes of cooking. If you want the bacon crispy on top, broil it for a few minutes.
*EDIT* - I also usually add chopped bell pepper. I buy peppers then chop them and freeze them in the freezer until I need them. You can just add it frozen, it thaws fast. I used orange this time.
I used to cook this all the time when I lived at home for supper when my mom would work late. It's easy and good. I think I might also make baked potatoes (I always cook them in the microwave, SO much easier and it tastes the same.) And maybe something else... I don't know.
I really need to study for my derivatives test tonight. I'm so lost in that class it is not even funny.
Oh yeah! This weekend I'm going to Alex's family reunion-type thing in Wetumpka. We'll see how that goes... as long as they aren't super-psycho and mean like his mom's side of the family, It'll be fine. Which btw... his mom is acting really nice and normal now. I guess she feels bad for cutting me down in front of my parents/trying to ruin my engagement party/trying to break Alex & I up. An apology would be a lot nicer though... I'm not going to forget her being so unnecessarily cruel to me just like that. Just because I want to marry her son. Like I'm an evil person or something. Yep. Whatever. As long as she doesn't try to pull anything else though, I'll play nice :) But if she so as much makes one rude comment during this wedding planning process... Alex better be standing next to me. Because I don't/didn't deserve all that crap. I like to think I'm a very nice person. Sure, I may be a little frank/straightforward sometimes... but I'm not mean. I guess I just don't fit in with them. I'm not loud... I can come across as serious (which I'm totally not... but I am with people I don't feel comfortable around) or quiet (again, with people I don't feel comfortable with) I guess but that doesn't make me rude. It means your making me uncomfortable! I always felt that way when I went over to their house. But I think it is getting better now.
Ok so I just completely went off on a rant there. Also, update on the job thing, I had to do a personality profile. I hate those. Anyway, I better start cooking.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Huh. And to think people talk about Sarah Palin having no experience.
Anyway. I think I failed my sociology test... I have no idea what is going on in that class. I don't want to go to work!!! I have to answer the phone now and I hate doing that. If I wanted to be a receptionist I would have never quit my first job!
Anyway. I think I failed my sociology test... I have no idea what is going on in that class. I don't want to go to work!!! I have to answer the phone now and I hate doing that. If I wanted to be a receptionist I would have never quit my first job!
We ended up having the BBQ Saturday night... then we all drove to Point Clear and walked around on the beach.
Yesterday I woke up at like 11... went to South to work on glo-bus... came home and took a nap... then woke up at 5 and started to study for three tests. I don't think I'm going to do very well :|
On the plus side, I have a phone interview today. Downside... I have to take it while I'm at work because there is no other time available. Wish me luck.
Yesterday I woke up at like 11... went to South to work on glo-bus... came home and took a nap... then woke up at 5 and started to study for three tests. I don't think I'm going to do very well :|
On the plus side, I have a phone interview today. Downside... I have to take it while I'm at work because there is no other time available. Wish me luck.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Its my life
Maybe if I write about it I'll feel better... because right now I feel horrible.
Every Saturday I go over to my parent's house to wash clothes because I don't have a washer/dryer. Michael and them got in a huge fight that I can't even begin to explain... and I just can't take it. I mean, winning the apartment was like a dream come true because finally I could escape all of that. But now every Saturday I have to experience it again.
Michael and Heather were suppose to come over here and have a football party with us. Michael got so mad he left and went to Heather's house... not with me to the grocery store like he was suppose to. The game starts in 15 minutes and I'm at the apartment by myself... with no food... and tons of clothes that are only partially-dry because I yanked them out of the dryer before they were done so I could leave that place.
Every Saturday I go over to my parent's house to wash clothes because I don't have a washer/dryer. Michael and them got in a huge fight that I can't even begin to explain... and I just can't take it. I mean, winning the apartment was like a dream come true because finally I could escape all of that. But now every Saturday I have to experience it again.
Michael and Heather were suppose to come over here and have a football party with us. Michael got so mad he left and went to Heather's house... not with me to the grocery store like he was suppose to. The game starts in 15 minutes and I'm at the apartment by myself... with no food... and tons of clothes that are only partially-dry because I yanked them out of the dryer before they were done so I could leave that place.
Friday, September 12, 2008
TGIF (Alex's bday!)
1. Go to every class - DONE
2. Come home and read Sociology book - Read first story... I didn't realize how much I need to read...
3. Look over Spanish - DONE
4. Read all Glo-bus material and try to make some sense of it - DONE
5. Cook pork roast - DONE
That was yesterday's goals. Now for today -
1. Go to every class
2. Go to work
3. Come home and straighten up apartment
4. Call Granny and tell her happy birthday
Sounds easy enough. I hate waking up in the morning... I really do. I think I'm more of a night person. Either that or I'm addicted to sleeping. I could sleep all day probably.
TODAY IS ALEX'S BIRTHDAY :) He's 23! It's hard to believe. It seems like yesterday we were just celebrating his 21st birthday...
Today is also my grandma's birthday, she's 81!
2. Come home and read Sociology book - Read first story... I didn't realize how much I need to read...
3. Look over Spanish - DONE
4. Read all Glo-bus material and try to make some sense of it - DONE
5. Cook pork roast - DONE
That was yesterday's goals. Now for today -
1. Go to every class
2. Go to work
3. Come home and straighten up apartment
4. Call Granny and tell her happy birthday
Sounds easy enough. I hate waking up in the morning... I really do. I think I'm more of a night person. Either that or I'm addicted to sleeping. I could sleep all day probably.
TODAY IS ALEX'S BIRTHDAY :) He's 23! It's hard to believe. It seems like yesterday we were just celebrating his 21st birthday...
Today is also my grandma's birthday, she's 81!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Goals - 9/11/08
My goals for the day... so I can hold myself accountable and so I don't die from stress.
1. Go to every class
2. Come home and read Sociology book
3. Look over Spanish
4. Read all Glo-bus material and try to make some sense of it
5. Cook pork roast - In the crockpot now! yay one thing in progress.
I think that sounds like enough for now...
1. Go to every class
2. Come home and read Sociology book
3. Look over Spanish
4. Read all Glo-bus material and try to make some sense of it
5. Cook pork roast - In the crockpot now! yay one thing in progress.
I think that sounds like enough for now...
I hate MGT 485. I don't have time for this stupid game! It's way too much work when I have 5 other classes to worry about as well.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Drive home
It took me THIRTY minutes to get home today! I live maybe 10 minutes from where I work. Wow. I hate construction.
Alex and I are going out to eat tonight :) Either Saucy Q (one on Schillingers, it's the best in my opinion), Bangkok Thai, or the Boiling Pot. If I remember, I'll post a restaurant review when I get back :)
Alex and I are going out to eat tonight :) Either Saucy Q (one on Schillingers, it's the best in my opinion), Bangkok Thai, or the Boiling Pot. If I remember, I'll post a restaurant review when I get back :)
omg... I don't want to go to class... I want to take a nap. But I know I skip way too many classes... I wish I had some motivation but I don't. I hate going to school then directly to work. I have no breaks until 5:00! So I guess that is why I skip classes... because that is my only break during the day.
I really wouldn't care as much but when you know peoples in the classes... they sort of assume your a slacker. Like I know my group members in international management are probably like "wth... I picked the wrong people (Alex & I)!" but really... my class skipping does not correlate with my grades that much.
I guess I just feel like I can teach myself and I'm wasting my time listening to the teacher talk about things that won't even be on the test. Or some classes I would go to because I actually LIKE them (for example, spanish) but I'm tired or whatever.
Yeeah... good thing this my last semester. The habit all started when I met Alex (before then I felt sooo guilty to skip) because I would skip to spend more time with him. I still do even though we live together I don't really see him that much... he works until 7:00 every night and I only have one class with him! :(
I really wouldn't care as much but when you know peoples in the classes... they sort of assume your a slacker. Like I know my group members in international management are probably like "wth... I picked the wrong people (Alex & I)!" but really... my class skipping does not correlate with my grades that much.
I guess I just feel like I can teach myself and I'm wasting my time listening to the teacher talk about things that won't even be on the test. Or some classes I would go to because I actually LIKE them (for example, spanish) but I'm tired or whatever.
Yeeah... good thing this my last semester. The habit all started when I met Alex (before then I felt sooo guilty to skip) because I would skip to spend more time with him. I still do even though we live together I don't really see him that much... he works until 7:00 every night and I only have one class with him! :(
Monday, September 8, 2008
Chicken Caesar Pitas
This is my version of this recipe. and what I made for dinner tonight :)
My changes are - I used garlic powder but didn't have thyme or rosemary. Instead I used one tablespoon of cajun seasoning and some pepper. For the croutons I used garlic powder instead of garlic salt. I also did not use bacon and added in sauteed onions.
1. First I made the breadcumbs out of older hamburger buns -

2. Then I cooked the chicken and sauteed onions

3. Tossed it with some lettuce, leftover grated fresh parmesan cheese, and feta cheese

4. Done! Served with pink lemonade. Reeeally good :)

My changes are - I used garlic powder but didn't have thyme or rosemary. Instead I used one tablespoon of cajun seasoning and some pepper. For the croutons I used garlic powder instead of garlic salt. I also did not use bacon and added in sauteed onions.
1. First I made the breadcumbs out of older hamburger buns -

2. Then I cooked the chicken and sauteed onions

3. Tossed it with some lettuce, leftover grated fresh parmesan cheese, and feta cheese

4. Done! Served with pink lemonade. Reeeally good :)

Saturday, September 6, 2008
Old friends & Birthday dinner
Last night I went to Ashland Pub & then the corner bar w/ Alex and his friends.
Everytime I hang out with him I can't help but think they have so much drama... like they could seriously have their own version of Dawson Creek. I don't mean it in a bad way though, they are all really nice :)
Sometimes I wish I had friends that go that far back, to elementary and high school. I feel out of place because I'm the only one who didn't go to McGill and one of the few who didn't go to St. Marys.
I don't even talk to the people I went to elementary school with... in fact, most of the people seem to have disapeared completely. I see people from high school sometimes but we usually don't say anything...
My longest friendship to date is three years.
It doesn't usually bother me that much though, because I have Alex and he is always around to have fun with. Sometimes though, when I go out with people who have tons of friends from back in the day... I kind of wish I did too, like I am missing out on something.
Anyway, tonight we're having a birthday dinner for Alex and my grandma. I'm probably going to bass pro shop with Michael to get Alex a present (shhh) :D We're going to have black eyed peas & cornbread (Alex's fav) and a chocolate dobash cake (my fav... Alex doesn't really like cake!)
Everytime I hang out with him I can't help but think they have so much drama... like they could seriously have their own version of Dawson Creek. I don't mean it in a bad way though, they are all really nice :)
Sometimes I wish I had friends that go that far back, to elementary and high school. I feel out of place because I'm the only one who didn't go to McGill and one of the few who didn't go to St. Marys.
I don't even talk to the people I went to elementary school with... in fact, most of the people seem to have disapeared completely. I see people from high school sometimes but we usually don't say anything...
My longest friendship to date is three years.
It doesn't usually bother me that much though, because I have Alex and he is always around to have fun with. Sometimes though, when I go out with people who have tons of friends from back in the day... I kind of wish I did too, like I am missing out on something.
Anyway, tonight we're having a birthday dinner for Alex and my grandma. I'm probably going to bass pro shop with Michael to get Alex a present (shhh) :D We're going to have black eyed peas & cornbread (Alex's fav) and a chocolate dobash cake (my fav... Alex doesn't really like cake!)
Friday, September 5, 2008
One thing I don't like about being register to vote... jury duty. Now I know if I'm a full time student I can get out of it but I have to go through that hassle. I would love to do it if I wasn't a student though, I think it'd be interesting to see how the court system works in real life after learning about it in a textbook.
Another thing about voting... why don't people register? Alex isn't registered... though help me god he is going to be before the election!!!
I mean, it's like saying you don't care about your country's future if you don't care about the election. Hopefully now in the last few months people will get more interested and watch the debates and such. I know people argue that "My one vote won't make a difference"... well... what if everyone though that?! Or that the big issues they hate will never get voted into law even if the other guy wins. If you don't vote for President your not voting for Congress either and if most of his party makes up Congress... then yeah, they will.
Anyway, I watched Sarah Palin's speech yesterday morning (online) and John McCain's speech last time. Really inspiring :) I pretty much agree with all the main issues. Some say Palin is an extreme conservative... but I agree with her issues. I guess living in a deep South in a very conservative area has something to do with it but I don't see what the big deal is?
Another thing about voting... why don't people register? Alex isn't registered... though help me god he is going to be before the election!!!
I mean, it's like saying you don't care about your country's future if you don't care about the election. Hopefully now in the last few months people will get more interested and watch the debates and such. I know people argue that "My one vote won't make a difference"... well... what if everyone though that?! Or that the big issues they hate will never get voted into law even if the other guy wins. If you don't vote for President your not voting for Congress either and if most of his party makes up Congress... then yeah, they will.
Anyway, I watched Sarah Palin's speech yesterday morning (online) and John McCain's speech last time. Really inspiring :) I pretty much agree with all the main issues. Some say Palin is an extreme conservative... but I agree with her issues. I guess living in a deep South in a very conservative area has something to do with it but I don't see what the big deal is?
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Maybe I should have gone to work today. Hope I don't get in trouble :( I mean... it was only two hours and it's not like my job is important!!!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
I have a feeling today is going to be a really good day :)
I have my first spanish test today... and even though I didn't have time to study I think I'll do fine. I really like learning spanish... it's fun! I better do good though... I can't drop a test because I skipped a day, oops.
Then in my international management class we're going to learn what our group project is on.
Not sure if I'll be going to sociology or not... he talks about common sense stuff.
Then work from 1:30-5:00, then freetime!! I wonder what I want to do tonight...
I need ideas of what to cook for supper. I wish we had milk and cheese because those are key ingredients in almost anything! -
I have my first spanish test today... and even though I didn't have time to study I think I'll do fine. I really like learning spanish... it's fun! I better do good though... I can't drop a test because I skipped a day, oops.
Then in my international management class we're going to learn what our group project is on.
Not sure if I'll be going to sociology or not... he talks about common sense stuff.
Then work from 1:30-5:00, then freetime!! I wonder what I want to do tonight...
I need ideas of what to cook for supper. I wish we had milk and cheese because those are key ingredients in almost anything! -
- Salmon patties with baked potato
- Chicken with cornbread stuffing (not sure about this... would proboably need cheese), okra or green beans
- Fried chicken tenders - I may surprise Alex by cooking this! No, he doesn't read my blog... he hates reading anything! I wish I had hot sauce because I could make buffalo chicken tenders...
- Eggplant parmesan - I really wish I could make this but I don't have eggplant... or sauce... or parmesan. Darn.
Speaking of Alex... where is he? He should be back from Sportplex by now. He goes to the gym every morning and plays raquetball and works out. He really is motivated! I could never do that. The extent of my exercising is walking on Tuesday and Thursday, and that was Laila's idea!
He better get here soon because I have to go take my test!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
I just got home from the FMA meeting @ South. It was very, very depressing.
The speaker was a financial planner from Ameriprise w/ a recent finance graduate who is his para-planner.
How ironic is it that I just posted this morning about how nostalgic I was about my last job and then I have to go and hear this!
It's not fair. Life isn't fair though I guess. I was a para-planner and I was suppose to help take-over the team eventually. Just like this girl. Except she had no previous experience and I have a lot.
It's depressing. Why did I have to get laid off? Why did they make up that rule? I guess everything happens for a reason. But I don't like having it rubbed in my face.
I don't think I'll be going to many more FMA meetings. People ask the same stupid questions and speakers talk about the same stupid things. If you don't know how people get clients... you shouldn't be a business major. And yes, for the millionth time, we know what asset allocation and annuities are.
The speaker was a financial planner from Ameriprise w/ a recent finance graduate who is his para-planner.
How ironic is it that I just posted this morning about how nostalgic I was about my last job and then I have to go and hear this!
It's not fair. Life isn't fair though I guess. I was a para-planner and I was suppose to help take-over the team eventually. Just like this girl. Except she had no previous experience and I have a lot.
It's depressing. Why did I have to get laid off? Why did they make up that rule? I guess everything happens for a reason. But I don't like having it rubbed in my face.
I don't think I'll be going to many more FMA meetings. People ask the same stupid questions and speakers talk about the same stupid things. If you don't know how people get clients... you shouldn't be a business major. And yes, for the millionth time, we know what asset allocation and annuities are.
Broken promises
Today at work while I was scanning my endless room of loan files... I started to daydream. I always do this because scanning... doesn't take any brainpower whatsoever. I started to think about my last job at the brokerage firm. It has been almost a year since I was laid off.
It baffles me how co-workers who cry when they find out your leaving never contact you after you actually leave. The ones who beg management to let me stay and try to find a way around the rules. How they made me reassure them I would be coming back as soon as graduated... that this was only "temporary." I don't feel as though I don't have a place there anymore. They don't contact me at all... I feel as I am the only one who tries to keep in touch.
I understand being busy but it has been a YEAR. Maybe they don't want to talk to me anymore because they don't want to lead me on any farther. That's what I'm assuming.
It hurts and I feel as though a dream has been crushed. The day they told me I lost my job I could see all of my plans shattering... but I was reassured that this wouldn't change a thing. I don't know anymore. I need to start looking for a post-college job for real now I guess.
My current place of work is great... everyone is so nice and it really is a good environment to work in. Unfortunately, there isn't any job there I could have after I graduate. Either a loan originator or a loan processor. Hmm... pure commission or doing paperwork all day... no thanks.
It baffles me how co-workers who cry when they find out your leaving never contact you after you actually leave. The ones who beg management to let me stay and try to find a way around the rules. How they made me reassure them I would be coming back as soon as graduated... that this was only "temporary." I don't feel as though I don't have a place there anymore. They don't contact me at all... I feel as I am the only one who tries to keep in touch.
I understand being busy but it has been a YEAR. Maybe they don't want to talk to me anymore because they don't want to lead me on any farther. That's what I'm assuming.
It hurts and I feel as though a dream has been crushed. The day they told me I lost my job I could see all of my plans shattering... but I was reassured that this wouldn't change a thing. I don't know anymore. I need to start looking for a post-college job for real now I guess.
My current place of work is great... everyone is so nice and it really is a good environment to work in. Unfortunately, there isn't any job there I could have after I graduate. Either a loan originator or a loan processor. Hmm... pure commission or doing paperwork all day... no thanks.
I typed a reeeally long post last night for an introduction but then I decided no one was going to read something that long. So I am going to try and be more concise because I normally write a lot in blogs.
It's 7:09 a.m. :( I'm getting ready to go to work. I don't want to go, I want to go to sleep! Oh well.
I can't understand why everyone is getting so worried about Hurricane Gustav... it's so far away. It could hit anywhere. People need to realized that projected paths aren't always right. Remember Dennis? The day OF the hurricane they said it was category 4/5 going to hit Mobile... then it turned and it was nothing but a stupid rain shower.
My mom went and bought a grill and a air conditioner/fan thing. She freaks out too much. I guess she has nothing better to do than watch the Weather Channel all day.
It's 7:09 a.m. :( I'm getting ready to go to work. I don't want to go, I want to go to sleep! Oh well.
I can't understand why everyone is getting so worried about Hurricane Gustav... it's so far away. It could hit anywhere. People need to realized that projected paths aren't always right. Remember Dennis? The day OF the hurricane they said it was category 4/5 going to hit Mobile... then it turned and it was nothing but a stupid rain shower.
My mom went and bought a grill and a air conditioner/fan thing. She freaks out too much. I guess she has nothing better to do than watch the Weather Channel all day.
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